Lynda Carter Slams “Thuggish” James Cameron Over Wonder Woman Comments
Photo by Christian Peterson/Getty
Lynda Carter has joined Team Let’s All Roast James Cameron, and we’re very happy to have her.
After James Cameron “doubled down” on his comments saying that Wonder Woman was a step backwards for female representation in Hollywood, Carter unleashed a Facebook post asking him, on behalf of all of us, to just stop.
Cameron started all of this by saying in an interview with The Guardian that Wonder Woman was “just male Hollywood doing the same old thing.” He seems to think that because Gal Gadot, the actress who played Wonder Woman, is attractive enough to win the Miss Israel pageant, her character is just a sex object and thus isn’t progressive. He then talks about how his own female character, Sarah Connor, is super tough and great, and really just a swell example of a feminist character. Cameron somehow believes that because Gadot’s character was a sexual being, she was a sex object and thus not progressive. Because tough, tomboyish female characters are the only good female characters, Cameron can’t seem to wrap his mind around the fact that there is more than one way to be a woman, more than one way to be heroic.
It is an extraordinary kind of male arrogance to think that a female character that he wrote is a better, more progressive representation than a female character that a woman wrote. Patty Jenkins, the director of Wonder Woman, responded to these comments with considerable restraint. Lynda Carter did not quite go that route. From her post:
“You poor soul. Perhaps you do not understand the character. I most certainly do. Like all women—we are more than the sum of our parts. Your thuggish jabs at a brilliant director, Patty Jenkins, are ill advised. This movie was spot on.”
Read our Wonder Woman review here. Jenkins will return to direct the sequel, set for a Dec. 13, 2019 release.