An Avengers: Infinity War Scene Has Over 30 Characters Onscreen at Once
Images via Marvel Studios
Remember how awesome the airport scene was in Captain America: Civil War? It was so cool to see so many Marvel heroes that we’ve grown to love over the years duke it out in a hilarious and epic fashion. Until War Machine broke his back, of course. That was sort of a downer.
Well, it looks like Avengers: Infinity War is about to seriously raise the stakes. Whereas that Civil War scene had about 12 different characters, Scarlett Johansson claims there could be as many as 32 (!) characters in one Infinity War scene. In fact, she says there may be over 60 Marvel characters in the final film.
Appearing on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert over the weekend, Johansson said:
Alright. I’m in it [and] at one point, I do think that the Infinity Wars, there are 61 or 62 Marvel characters in it. There’s a lot. In one particular scene, I think there’s 32, there’s a lot. There’s so many of us. I don’t even know who’s a Marvel character and who’s a crew member, honestly.
Unlike Civil War, in which the characters are beating the hell out of each other, it’s likely that this time they’ll all be on the same side trying to punch Thanos to death. The task of cramming that many characters onscreen will fall in the capable hands of Anthony Russo and Joe Russo. The brothers did a fantastic job with Civil War, so we have no reason to expect they won’t find a way.
Johansson delivered this tease while promoting her underwhelming raunchy comedy, Rough Night. Clearly Colbert—like everybody else—was more interested in the forthcoming continuation of the epic Avengers series than a movie revolving around a dead male stripper.
Check out Johansson’s entire interview below.