New Mockingjay-Part 2 Trailer Drops Same Day as Advanced Screening Announcement
Photo via The Hunger Games: Mockingjay-Part 2
For those of you who have not read Mockingjay, consider this a major spoiler because the latest The Hunger Games: Mockingjay-Part 2 trailer makes it painfully obvious that something significant will happen to dear Prim, according to Deadline.
The trailer, entitled “For Prim,” gives a touching recollection of all the best moments between Katniss and Prim. Of course the “I volunteer as tribute” scene is used in this montage. The words, “her sacrifice is the ultimate tribute,” flash across the screen as close-ups of Prim and Katniss play in one massive flashback.
Following the release of the trailer, Fandango announced today that tickets for the final installment of the franchise will go on sale at 12 PM EST/ 9 AM PST, seven weeks before the film’s official release. Those who grab their tickets within the first 24 hours will receive a digital copy of Mockingjay-Part 1.
The final film in the franchise is sure to be as successful as its predecessor, Mockingay-Part 1, which garnered more than $700 million worldwide.
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay-Part 2 will be released Nov. 20.