Groove to This Excellent Montage of Cinematic Dance Scenes
Photos via CLS Videos, YouTube
We’re suckers for a quality montage here at Paste, and there are no shortage of YouTube channels dedicated to that exact sort of cinematic endeavor. One of the better ones goes by the name of CLS Videos, and they occasionally produce short compilations and montages of specific film motifs or scenes. And what makes for a more natural movie montage than sequences of cutting a rug, shaking a tail feather, or tripping the light fantastic, as it were? All are captured in “Dancing in Movies,” below.
The thing that makes this montage stand out, beyond the nice choice of music and skilled editing, is the true eclecticism of its sampling. These films are from all over the place, encompassing every conceivable genre and era, including selections that just came out this year such as Hulu’s Palm Springs or Netflix’s Da 5 Bloods. Those are bookended by everything from classic Disney animation, to the Marx brothers, to Judy Garland or Willy Wonka. It’s a madcap assembly of films, and you can see an entire time-stamped list of the movies included right here.
And so, as we head into the holidays and look forward to putting 2020 behind us, allow yourself a brief moment of joy below.