The Full Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Script Is Now Available Online
Images via Sony Pictures Animation
Sony Pictures has shared the full script for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, written by Phil Lord and co-director Rodney Rothman, who shared the link to the entire 131-page script on Twitter.
Sony was kind enough to make our #Spiderverse script available online. Here it is if you’re interested.
— rodneyrothman (@rodneyrothman) December 29, 2018
Fans and critics alike have gushed over Sony’s thrilling and Spider-Man mythos-redefining Into the Spider-Verse, which includes iterations of the character like Jake Johnson’s standout Peter B. Parker, Nicolas Cage’s Spider-Man Noir and, of course, John Mulaney’s radioactive spider pig Spider-Ham.
The script also features the film’s post-credits scene, which here is referred to as “the most expensive dumb joke of all time.”
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is now in theaters. You can read the full script here and Paste’s review of the film here.