Here’s a Lovingly Homemade Recreation of the Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer
Image via CineFix/YouTube
If you’ve ever wondered about the magic behind filmmaking, it’s all about honing your craft. Sometimes it takes years, and some filmmakers never quite grasp it. But these guys get it: the mad scientists at CineFix recreated the Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer shot-for-shot, and it’s truly glorious.
Amidst a cardboard New York backdrop, a plastic Spider-Man swings back and forth saving the day, lending a handiwork that is rarely matched. There’s a great homemade bank robbery, some excellent fly-over cinematography and a wonderful mouth-noise soundtrack. And to think, this all happened in someone’s front yard. Plus, that jackass who shaved the horrific Tony Stark goatee onto his face is brilliant.
Spider-Man: Homecoming comes swinging into theaters on July 7. Check out the fan-made trailer above, and fully appreciate the details in the side-by-side comparison below.