Watch the Final Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer Before Its Summer Release
Photo by Chuck Zlotnick
The third and final trailer for Spider-Man: Homecoming, which comes out July 7, showcases the suit Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) previously engineered for Peter Parker (Tom Holland). The new suit is equipped with an AI assistant, much like Iron Man’s, as wel as drones and even a parachute.
The latest trailer also shows Tony acting as a total helicopter parent, even giving the kid a fatherly hug (kind of). Peter is shown giving Tony daily reports on his crime fighting activities, and Tony makes the decision to enable or disable certain features of the Spidey suit depending on whether he thinks Peter can handle it. It’s all part of Peter’s quest to become an Avenger and graduate from stopping bicycle thieves and helping old ladies across the street.
Watch the third trailer for Spider-Man: Homecoming above and check out the first two trailers here and here.