Suicide Squad is Getting an Extended Cut on Blu-Ray

It was announced today via Twitter that Suicide Squad, like its predecessor Batman v Superman, is getting an extended cut on Digital HD and Blu-Ray.

There was clearly some stuff missing from Suicide Squad when it hit theaters this summer. According to THR, there were two competing cuts of the film during post-production because Warner Bros. decided it wanted the movie to steer away from BvS’s grim tone and instead match the vibe of the well-received first trailer. Jared Leto seemed particularly annoyed that his incarnation of The Joker appeared in only a handful of extraneous scenes, and Ayer told Collider that there were “a lot of scenes that didn’t make it to the final film.”

Maybe this is just how DC and Warner Bros. are going to make their movies from now on. They’ll release messy, polarizing movies into theaters and then when everybody asks where all the clearly missing parts are, they’ll just release an extended version on Blu-Ray. That way, people who liked it the first time around will buy it for more content, and people who didn’t like it might pick it up because of the promise that it will be a good version, which is what they wanted in the first place.

Suicide Squad will be available on Digital HD on Nov. 15 and on Blu-Ray on Dec. 13. Check out a teaser for the extended cut in the announcement tweet below.

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