The Not-So-Big Question: You Have a Hole in Your Pop…

In his review of Tuesday night’s episode of The Goldbergs, Paste reviewer Mark Rozeman revealed his shameful secret—he had never seen that B-level touchstone of the 1980s, The Goonies. For a pop culture aficionado of that very decade (and a few others, at that) like Mark, this was a brave admission, indeed. But he also pointed out that he had “heard enough Goonies quotes and seen enough clips to believe at one point that I had seen the movie.”

So we’d like to throw out this question to you, gentle Paste reader:

What film has so saturated your own pop culture bubble, that you practically think you’ve seen it (though you haven’t, have you, you horrible, horrible person)?

Post your answer(s) in the comments below (with pictures, even). Come on—it’s time to come clean!

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