The New Thoroughbreds Trailer Is Wicked and Fierce

The New Thoroughbreds Trailer Is Wicked and Fierce

The new trailer for Thoroughbreds is delightfully wicked and entertaining. The story follows two young, incredibly wealthy girls from Connecticut high society. Lily, played by Anya Taylor-Joy (who recently was cast in the forthcoming Marie Curie biopic Radioactive), reconnects with her old friend Amanda, played by Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl’s Olivia Cooke. The story takes an interesting and devilish turn when Lily’s father (Paul Sparks, House of Cards) wants to cut her off, so naturally the two girls decide to hire someone to kill him. They end up blackmailing this guy (Anton Yelchin, in his final performance before his tragic death) into doing it. In the trailer, you hear a fierce Cooke say, “The only thing worse than being incompetent or being evil is being indecisive.” According to a blurb quoted in the trailer, you don’t want to mess with these girls: They’re “bad betches.”

The film looks like it’s going to be an instant cult classic and an all-around fun theatergoing experience. Focus Features will distribute the film and it arrives in theaters on March 9. See the new trailer below and a previous trailer here.

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