See Doctor Doom Unmasked in the Final Fantastic Four Trailer
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Looking for the face of Doom? Look no further.
The final trailer for Fox’s Fantastic Four reboot provides plenty of balls-out action, not to mention a good look behind the mask of Doctor Victor von Doom. The brand spanking new clip, released this morning after debuting at San Diego Comic-Con over the weekend, reveals far more of Toby Kebbell’s supervillain than before—the mysterious Doom was almost an afterthought in the film’s main trailer. Here, he comes across as more of a well-hidden secret weapon.
A young Reed Richards starts the trailer off with a bang, establishing both his fearless scientist bona fides and his childhood friendship with Ben Grimm. From there, we get to enjoy Franklin Storm’s (Reg E. Cathey) sonorous voice, Johnny Storm’s (Michael B. Jordan) modest laboratory demands, the Thing (Jamie Bell) wrecking tanks, and finally, Doom himself, talking trash to the Four. The villain shows off his powers and his ugly mug, with the latter making an appearance at the 2:21 mark.
Fantastic Four’s cast overflows with young talent: Miles Teller, Bell, Jordan and Kate Mara star as its titular heroes, while Kebbell, with previous roles in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, The Counselor and the excellent Black Mirror, takes a step up to supervillain status. The film was scripted by Simon Kinberg and directed by Josh Trank (Chronicle). We can only hope all of the cast and crew’s hard work coalesces into a final product worthy of Marvel’s first family.
Fantastic Four hits theaters on Aug. 7. Watch the film’s final trailer above.