Warner Bros. Announces Release Dates For Wonder Woman and Justice League

The so-called DC Extended Universe is light years behind Marvel right now, but 2017 will be the year that it finally starts to catch up. Today, Warner Bros. announced release dates for both Wonder Woman and Justice League: Part 1—Jun. 23 and Nov. 17 of next year, respectively.

The announcement follows DC’s television special on the CW two days ago, where we got a first look at Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman kicking some modern soldier ass with her Amazonian fighting powers. The world’s foremost female superhero will, of course, be showing up in Batman v Superman as well, but we’ll get to see her origin story next summer in the Patty Jenkins-directed film. Meanwhile, Zack Snyder returns to direct Justice League, where we’ll see how the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel work together after they inevitably resolve (most of) their differences in their feature this year.

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