Watch Zach Braff’s New Trailer, Which, Yes, Features The Shins

In 2004, Zach Braff was encouraging you to change your life by listening to “New Slang” with Natalie Portman in a doctor’s office, and a decade later, just months away from the release of his next feature film, Wish I Was Here, it seems very little has changed. Braff launched a Kickstarter campaign to finance the film last year, debuted it at Sundance in January, and has now released the first trailer, which you can watch here:
So, let’s see what quirks Braff retains from his Garden State days 10 years ago.
1. Still using The Shins—this time, “Simple Song” plays over the trailer.
2. Still seems to be going for the easy emotional/visual catharsis.
3. Still using helmets as a major plot piece.
4. Lots of people pacing down halls and standing on top of things.
5. An underwater shot—just like Wes Anderson!
So, anyway, Braff-heads will be into this. Wish I Was Here stars Braff, Kate Hudson, Mandy Patinkin, Joey King, Josh Gad, and Ashley Green. It opens on July 25.