2nd Grade Give a Cheeky, Rocked-Out Performance on New Single “Teenage Overpopulation”
The power-pop band leave room for humor and copious guitar riffs
Images courtesy of Buzz Lombardi, the artist
Kicking down the gate with confidence comes power-pop band 2nd Grade on their latest single “Teenage Overpopulation.” Simultaneously sympathizing with the hardship today’s younger generation has to shoulder, but making fun of them all the same, the song is the perfect blend of good humor to dance to and laugh with. Lyrics like, “There’s too many teens in the world / Ruinin’ the human experience / Too many teens takin’ summer jobs from hard-workin’ Americans” force a giggle, while also reminding one a bit too closely of real news headlines (or perhaps your local codger at the corner store).
Peter Gill, songwriter and frontman of the band, explains the track in a statement, saying, ”’Teenage Overpopulation’ pulls triple-duty as 1.) an anthem of protest against annoying teens (don’t take it personally Gen Z, teens have always been annoying), 2.) a critique of the absurdity of blaming young people for the world’s problems, and 3.) a meditation on our cultural obsession with youth.”
The single comes as the last release off their forthcoming album Easy Listening, out this Friday, Sept. 30, on Double Double Whammy. It’s pulled forward by the upbeat guitar riffs, which move with incredible purpose. Gill’s vocals perfectly blend enthusiasm with a slightly bratty, tongue-in-cheek undertone, creating something easy to sing along to after the first couple listens. The song closes with the band shouting out the names of famous teenagers, with both Hannah Montana and Joan of Arc being name-checked (have you ever heard a song in which those two were combined? Yeah. Didn’t think so). In a way, the track as a whole truly does feel like a teenager who’s had way too much coffee in the most delightful way.
Listen to the single below, and check out Easy Listening when it comes out this Friday.