50 New State Songs For the 21st Century


New Mexico
Current Song: “O, Fair New Mexico”
O, Fair New Mexico,
We love, we love you so,
The grandest state to know
New Mexico.

Our 21st Century pick: “New Mexico” by David Mead
When I was a boy I would dream at night
A cowboy’s dream by a cowboy light
Even though I haven’t got to ride in yet
New Mexico won’t forget
And oh, I wanna go
Where the air is clean
And oh, New Mexico wait for me


New York
Current Song: “I love New York”
There isn’t another like it.
No matter where you go.
And nobody can compare it.
It’s win and place and show.

Our 21st Century pick: “New York, New York” by Ryan Adams
And love won’t play any games with you
Anymore if you want ‘em to
So we better shake this old thing out the door
I’ll always be thinkin’ of you
I’ll always love you though New York

Our 21st Century runners-up: “New York, I Love You But You’re Bringing Me Dow” by LCD Soundsystem, “Empire State of Mind” by Jay-Z


North Carolina
Current Song: “The Old North State”
Hurrah! Hurrah! The Old North State forever!
Hurrah! Hurrah! The good Old North State!

Our 21st Century pick: “Wagon Wheel” by Old Crow Medicine Show (with chorus by Bob Dylan)
And I got to get a move on before the sun
I hear my baby callin’ my name
And I know that she’s the only one
And if I die in Raleigh
At least I will die free

21st Century runner-up: “Oh My Sweet Carolina” by Ryan Adams


North Dakota
Current Song: “North Dakota Hymn”
North Dakota, North Dakota,
With thy prairies wide and free,
All thy sons and daughters love thee,
Fairest state from sea to sea

Our 21st Century pick: “North Dakota” by Kris Delmhorst
I love North Dakota cause you have never been there
and the days go on forever and the towns all look the same
and I can ride the back roads and I can walk the main streets
and show someone your picture but they would not know your name


Current Song: “Beautiful Ohio”
Freedom is supreme in this majestic land;
Mighty factories seem to hum in tune, so grand.
Beautiful Ohio, thy wonders are in view,
Land where my dreams all come true!

Our 21st Century pick: “Ohio” by Over the Rhine
Hello Ohio
The back roads
I know Ohio
Like the back of my hand
Alone Ohio
Where the river bends
And it’s strange to see your story end

Our 21st Century runners-up: “Bloodbuzz, Ohio” by The National, “Carry Me Ohio” by Sun Kil Moon


Current Song: “Oklahoma”
Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin’ down the plain,
And the wavin’ wheat can sure smell sweet
When the wind comes right behind the rain.

Our 21st Century pick: “Oklahoma” by Bishop Allen
You’ve got eyes like Oklahoma
Learned to swim in Lake Texoma
Chances are you plan to leave too soon
Oklahoma that’s what Ill call you!

Our 21st Century runner-up: “The Southern Oklahoma Cosmic Trigger Contest” by The Flaming Lips


Current Song: “Oregon, My Oregon”
On-ward and upward ever, Forward and on, and on;
Hail to thee, Land of the Heroes, My Oregon.

Our 21st Century pick: “Portland, Oregon” by Loretta Lynn
In a booth in the corner with the lights down low
I was movin’ in fast she was takin’ it slow
Well I looked at him and caught him lookin’ at me
I knew right then we were playin’ free in Oregon

Our 21st Century runner-up: “Oregon Girl” by Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin


Current Song: “Pennsylvania”
Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania,
Mighty is your name,
Steeped in glory and tradition,
Object of acclaim

Our 21st Century pick: “Pennsylvania” by Don Peris
When will you come to Pennsylvania
When will you bring your old self here?
I’ve got some friends
I think you’d like them
I’ve got that Hammond organ up and off the floor


Rhode Island
Current Song: “Rhode Island It’s For Me”
I’ve been to every state we have,
and I think I’m inclined to say
that Rhody stole my heart:
You can keep the forty-nine.

Our 21st Century pick: “Rhode Island Is Famous For You” by Erin McKeown
Cotton comes from Louisiana
Gophers from Montana
And spuds from Idaho
Well they plough land in the cowland of Missoura
Where most beef meant for roast beef
Seems to grow
And Grand canyons come from Coloradah
Gold comes from Nevada
But divorces also do
And you, you come from Rhode Island
Little old Rhode Island is famous for you


South Carolina
Current Song: “Carolina”
Hold up the glories of thy dead;
Say how thy elder children bled,
And point to Eutaw’s battle-bed.
Carolina! Carolina!

Our 21st Century pick: “South Carolina Low Country” by Josh Turner
South Carolina low country
Southern words with an old Sandlapper tune
Palmetto trees swaying in that Atlantic breeze
Reaching up to touch the crescent moon
South Carolina low country
Is the music that comes outta me

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