
His own contributions to the folky strain of electronic music no doubt overshadowed by old bandmate Kieran Hebden (who garners much critical adieu as Four Tet), former Fridge bassist Adem Ilhan has slowly crafted his own distinct brand of bedroom pop. Adem’s 2004 debut, the home-recorded Homesongs, spun demure and effortless-sounding tracks that stayed close to the vest, venturing into ?elds of low-key instrumentation and deft programming without much outward show. Similarly unobtrusive, a stately guitar ?gure opens his follow-up disc and underpins many of the subsequent tracks, whether they’re spacious or more chipper and upbeat. As bells garland Ilhan’s cracked mewl (not unlike Thom Yorke’s) on “Warning Call,” the song’s stop/start meter recalls some lost court dance. An organ stutters along with the whispers and strums on “X is for Kisses,” while the title track and ?nale ?oat on slow hums of harmonium, providing a bit of warmth in outer space.