Watch This Ingenious Video Setting Insane Alex Jones Rants to Gentle Folk Music
"We're gonna stab your daughter at the mall!"
Screenshot: Super Deluxe
Put aside your listening of Waxahatchee, Japanese Breakfast and Sheer Mag, because we’ve just gotten wind of the hotter-than-hell new single from indie-folk’s newest star: right-wing human meltdown and “number-one meme” Alex Jones.
A new video posted Friday by Super Deluxe, “Folk Alex Jones,” deftly merges footage of Jones, the walking alt-right bullhorn, losing his shit behind the desk at his pay-the-bills job InfoWars and emerging from a bucolic river like Neo from his red-pill slumber with a gentle, Bon Iver-style folk tune. (For an undercooked soft-boiled egg that rolled under the couch and was forgotten until it went rancid, he looks good. Expect Alex Jones posters plastering young people’s walls, if they’re not mall-stabbed by vampire potbelly goblins.) The rant-song silences the leftist cuckboys, proving that he’s more than the sum of his—those parts being a flesh-colored tarp covering a broken furnace whose hisses sound like jingoistic Mad Libs.
Jones transcends his angsty-man folk history, from the lo-fi falsettos to the “I’m just playing a character so I can say whatever I want” schtick of Father John Misty. Jones defies you to not sing along to his heartache, wringing out his soul in lyrics like “literal vampire potbelly goblins are hobbling around, coming after us,” and “they have green-looking skin / and they run around screaming ‘We love Satan, we want to eat babies.” He demands the listener ask questions they were too afraid to post on r/TheDonald: Why won’t the media talk about how baby-part factories are definitely real? How practical is it really to stab someone with a butcher knife? How hard do you have to squint before it’s considered just having your eyes closed?