Alex Turner Unveils A Surprising New Look During Arctic Monkeys The Late Show Performance

It's too dang hot out for all that hair

Alex Turner Unveils A Surprising New Look During Arctic Monkeys The Late Show Performance

Do our eyes deceive us, or did Bono take the frontman position of the Arctic Monkeys Monday night on The Late Show?

Turns out, our eyes did deceive us. Lead singer for the Arctic Monkeys, Alex Turner, has traded in his signature greaser-style slicked back hair for a close cut more suited for the summer heat. The Late Show posted an image of Turner on Twitter with the caption “Woah, check out the haircut on #AlexTurner! @ArcticMonkeys fans, what do you think??”

Arctic Monkeys are currently on a North American tour supporting their most recent release, Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino, and stopped by for a quick visit with host Stephen Colbert and a performance of an album deep-cut “The Ultracheese.” In true AM fashion, the entire performance was aired in black and white.

The band also released a video for the title track of the album on Monday. Watch their Colbert performance below and find the remaining set of tour dates here.

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