Arctic Monkeys Unveil “There’d Better Be a Mirror Ball,” First Single from Their New LP
Photo by Zackery Michael
Arctic Monkeys make everything sound sweeping and romantic, even saying goodbye. The Sheffield-based indie rockers have released “There’d Better Be a Mirrorball,” the first single from their forthcoming LP The Car, out Oct. 21. The band also shared a gold-tinted music video, directed by frontman Alex Turner, to accompany the track.
Their seventh studio album comes on the heels of 2018’s Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino, an album that cemented their slick, retro-inspired rock and pushed them into their most polished territory to date. “There’d Better Be a Mirrorball” has the same old-school glamor and orchestral flourishes that accentuate the drama of their noir vignettes. Turner’s rich vocals glide over soaring strings as the song reaches its heart-aching crescendo, as he croons, “So if you wanna walk me to the car / You oughta know I’ll have a heavy heart / So can we please be absolutely sure / That there’s a mirrorball?” In offering a stirring and cinematic first glimpse at their album, Arctic Monkeys affirm that the four-year wait fans endured for The Car will be well worth it.
Watch the music video for “There’d Better Be a Mirrorball” below.