- Welcome to Daytrotter
- Ice Level
- No F
- Stages
- Wrenning Day
Sitting where I’m sitting right now, looking out the window upon the patio section of the coffeehouse property, there’s a high school-aged dude trying to be as attentive as he possibly can as the attractive girl he came with talks to him. They aren’t together, it’s obvious, but it’s just as obvious to see and read said dude’s body language and tell that he’s having a hard time focusing. He’s more than into her and he’s got his hopes up that his congeniality, his listening skills, his gentlemanly ways, his easy smile and the iced coffee that he bought her are going to pay off. He’s hoping that something’s going to nudge this chemistry a bit and all of those urgings and excited uprisings popping off inside his head are going to get addressed sometime. He could use something smooth, something soulful and clever to push this to the next level, to get her willing to throw those hands, with the blood-orange fingernails around his neck or back and pull his shaking body closer to hers for a kiss, or something.
He could use some sexy Ava Luna music to mentor him, to get those hands over to his side, in the dark or in the light. The seductive intertwining vocals of Carlos Hernandez, Felicia Douglass and Becca Kauffman are impossible to ignore or downplay. They tread more on the peculiarities and more slinky lines of love and romance – the hot romps or the fantasized plays on the hot romps, not to mention the fallouts of them – but they could turn any situation into a possible fever run. They sing, “But I don’t want to sleep or I might escape her gaze/And if I could focus/Now, if I could focus/I would know the stronger of us,” and that’s where this kid in front of me wants to be. He wants to be anywhere else other than this coffeehouse, with this pretty girl, telling him about what she did at her summer job today. He’ll be more interested in that stuff later, but first thing’s first.