Aziz Ansari Ranked Kanye West’s Albums
Photo by Gary Gershoff/Getty
One of the great delights in stand-up comedy is hearing Aziz Ansari talk about celebrities and his interactions with them. There’s the R. Kelly concert story. The 50 Cent grapefruit story. The M.I.A. Tamil story. And, of course, the entire Kanye West epic, wherein Mr. West was at one point listening to his own album.
Aziz also just really likes Kanye West’s music, and so hearing him talk about the best of Ye’s work is its own kind of compelling.
Vogue recently caught up with Aziz to have him talk about the Met Gala, learning to speak Italian and ranking Kanye albums. He sort of cheats on the last part and has ties at first and second place, but it’s still delightful to hear Aziz nerding out about Kanye West’s work. And DMX. There’s plenty of DMX love to go around, as well.
Season two of Aziz’s Netflix show, Master of None, is set for a May 12 premiere. Watch the trailer for it here, and watch Aziz’s interview below—his Kanye ranking (also included in text form beneath the video) comes in at about 5:20.
There’s a tie up top, Watch the Throne and Twisted Fantasy. Then I’m going to go a tie with Yeezus and Life of Pablo, then Graduation, then College Dropout, then Late Registration. Oh my god, this is so hard.