Band of Horses’ Guitarist and Bassist Quit Within Hours of Each Other
Photo by Christopher Wilson
As of this morning, May 3, indie-rock stalwarts Band of Horses are now down three members after guitarist Tyler Ramsey and bassist Bill Reynolds announced their respective departures within hours of one another.
Ramsey made his disclosure on Instagram and said, in part, that: “We certainly had some good times and I’m sure I will miss the beautifully dysfunctional family we became.” Meanwhile, Reynolds took to Facebook to say:
“I’d like to thank all the beautiful folks I have met out there on the road with Band of Horses,” Reynolds wrote on Instagram. “Thank you for all the support and encouragement, I am very grateful to have been a part of such an amazing band. I am moving on to pursue other things. I will be producing records, doing photography, and who knows, maybe I’ll go on the road again someday.”
Both Ramsey and Reynolds have been in the band for a decade, joining in 2007 after the release of the group’s sophomore album, Cease to Begin. Band of Horses have a long summer tour scheduled, and there’s no word yet on how or whether the group’s remaining members—Ben Bridwell, Creighton Barrett and Ryan Monroe—will soldier on.
As of Wednesday afternoon, there was no word from Band of Horses’ departed or remaining members as to why Reynolds and Ramsey quit. Paste has reached out to representatives for the band for comment.