Sail the Mediterranean With Belle and Sebastian

The Scottish indie rockers have revealed plans to curate a musical cruise

Sail the Mediterranean With Belle and Sebastian

Belle and Sebastian want to curate a musical sea journey across the Mediterranean, and they need your help. The Scotland-based indie-rock band that have brought us much thought-provoking music over the years have revealed through their website plans to curate a musical cruise, an idea they’ve said to have had in the works for over 20 years.

Inspired by their 1999 self-produced music festival Bowlie Weekender (which took place in Sussex at the Pontin’s Holiday camp), the band’s cruise endeavor, dubbed Bowlie on a Boat, is planning to launch out of Barcelona, Spain, in August 2019. The cruise will reach potential ports across the Mediterranean, featuring between 10-15 acts throughout its four-day musical sea voyage.

B&S are enticing fans with the idea, per the band’s survey tab on their website:

What if the magic of 1999’s Bowlie Weekender was recreated 20 years on with 2,500 like-minded music fans, dozens of your favourite bands, and us, on an exciting and once in a lifetime four-day cruise holiday through the Mediterranean?

Here’s where you come in. B&S are asking fans to fill out a short survey to better assist them in planning out their trip. The band beckons potential cruise-members to answer questions about the kinds of entertainment they’d want on the trip, and what ports they’d potentially like to visit, among other questions designed to create a custom-tailored, fan-friendly experience.

One lucky survey taker will randomly be selected to win a signed boxset of B&S EP trilogy How to Solve Our Human Problems, whose final installment releases this Friday, Feb. 16. B&S are currently on an extensive world tour and will be reaching North America starting in June, in case you can’t reach them in Spain.

Find out more and take the survey yourself here, and before you get your sea legs ready and join Belle and Sebastian on the water, revisit a Paste Daily Dose article on a recent single from the band.

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