Bonnaroo’s 15th Anniversary Lineup to Be Announced Next Week on Conan

Next Tuesday, Jan. 19, Bonnaroo’s 15th anniversary lineup will be announced on late-night show Conan. The festival, held on 700 acres in Manchester, TN, will take place June 9-12 this year, featuring over 150 musicians, bands and comedians.

In honor of its 15th anniversary, the festival has also announced upgrades to its venue. The park where Bonnaroo is held will for the first time include its own permanent water line, which means—deep breath—indoor plumbing. Which means showers. And flushable toilets.

Glory, glory hallelujah!

Now, when you go hang out in a field for four days you won’t have to look or smell like you’ve been hanging out in a field for four days.

The festival is installing more than 400 permanent toilets—making 38% of the onsite toilets flushable—in addition to permanent shower stalls and several water filling stations.

Tune into Conan on TBS next Tuesday at 11 to catch the lineup, and check out the sketches of Bonnaroo’s new facilities below.

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