Broken Social Scene Show Us the Beauty in Life in “Skyline” Video

Broken Social Scene Show Us the Beauty in Life in “Skyline” Video

We’ve already heard Broken Social Scene’s entrancing single “Skyline” from Hug of Thunder, and today, they’ve unveiled the equally-as-optimistic video to go along with it. Right from the get-go, the Canadian indie collective display their tips for momentary survival—peanut butter, mouth guards, friendship, skateboarding, Foreigner—and automatically, we know that watching this clip will be worthwhile.

Directed by BSS’s own Kevin Drew, the video’s opening scene shows the Canadian collective having a self-help group meeting that has us pondering the really important, worldly questions in life—for instance, “What is peanut butter?” Throughout the rest of the video, we follow the friendship of the band’s Brenden Canning and Dimitri Karakostas as they experience the beauty of day-to-day life in Toronto.

Broken Social Scene are starting their North American tour this month—you can see where they’re heading here and here. Watch the video for “Skyline” above and read our review of Hug of Thunder here.

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