Sam Ray Takes to the Internet to Savage Car Seat Headrest
Photo by Christopher Sikich
The sad boys of underground Internet music are fighting. Sam Ray (Ricky Eats Acid, Teen Suicide) has taken to his blog to tear apart Car Seat Headrest’s latest album in essay form. Ray starts by describing Car Seat as “an annoyingly persistent recommendation that somehow landed a deal with Matador,” and only gets more acidic from there.
Despite his obvious cries for attention, Ray’s insults of band leader Will Toledo are savage and kind of hilarious. “If you walk into any house show in America with a handful of rocks, but the second or third throw you’ll have hit a boy with a Bandcamp that sounds exactly like [Car Seat Headrest],” he quips. Apparently, Ray and a friend had a full-on Car Seat Headrest roast session in which they described the band as “the ‘I have an associates degree, so one day I can go back to college and become an English teacher, or whatever’ of guitar rock.”
Damn, Sam. The essay didn’t appear to get under Toledo’s skin, as the singer joked about it on his Twitter. “My manager just told me that someone on the Internet said that my music is bad,” he tweeted. “Can anyone confirm this?”
my manager just told me that someone on the internet said that my music is bad
— car seat headrest (@carseatheadrest) June 7, 2017
can anyone confirm this?
— car seat headrest (@carseatheadrest) June 7, 2017
Toledo was recently part of another indie-rock conflict after making some pointed comments about Netflix’s 13 Reasons Why and its handling of mental-health issues, provoking the ire of Titus Andronicus frontman Patrick Stickles.
It’s no Nicki versus Miley or Katy versus Taylor, but this feud is intriguing enough to tide us over until the next time two big-name pop stars go at it.
You can read Ray’s post in its entirety here.