Watch Cardi B Interview Joe Biden
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In a new interview for Elle, chart-topping rapper Cardi B and presidential candidate Joe Biden held a conversation with one another—over Zoom, of course.
While this isn’t the first time Cardi B has expressed an interest in politics, the interview is a striking one: in the wake of a pandemic and political protests taking place across the country. The stakes of these events going into a presidential election fueled the discussion between Biden and Cardi.
“It’s important to have free [healthcare] because look what is happening right now,” Cardi B says. “Of course, I think we need free college. And I want Black people to stop getting killed and no justice for it. I’m tired of it. I’m sick of it. I just want laws that are fair to Black citizens and that are fair for cops, too.”
Recently, Biden, who holds the Democratic presidential nomination, appointed Kamala Harris as his vice presidential pick. That decision elicited a range of opinions, given Harris’ past as a prosecutor in California. While the two don’t discuss Harris directly, the conversation does highlight Biden’s views on the protests, racism in America and free education.
“Also, by the way, if I get elected president, anybody with a family [that makes] less than 125 grand, you’re going to get free education,” Biden says. “And everybody gets free community college.”
Cardi B also shared her experiences before fame when she was struggling in college and relying on New York’s subway system. It was a free given for her as a middle and high school student, but once it wasn’t, it quickly became hard to afford anything else.
Watch the interview below.