- One Girl
- Broadway
- Byron
- Except Death
When you sink your teeth into a !!! song, you’re feeling the blood drizzle down your chin, onto the ground and your shirt. You’re chomping into a kicking and alive quarter, a juicy bit of moving parts, of electrified darkness. You’re ushered into a mysterious room where you can only vaguely recognize certain things. They all start speaking to you, moving their mouths – the paintings on the wall and the floor coverings even try to talk – and you feel as if you’ve been thrown into something hazed out and illicit.
You’re crashing that exclusive dance party that brings you face-to-face with all of your alter egos, as well as those of anyone else there with you. They all meet and they do a freaky, drunken grope – joining in on the choruses, at the tops of their lungs. They’re thinking about all the sweaty skin that’s in the place at that moment and they’re intoxicated by it. They understand and they’re okay with the knowledge that things are going to get weird and there will be fallout with the risen sun.
Lead singer Nic Offer sings, “It’s told that she was better off at the bottom of a river than in a bed with him/He said, ‘Until you try both, you won’t know what you like better. Why don’t we go for a swim?'” We’re tossed into their cold, murky waters. Our thrashing feels like the dancing they would like us to do.