Christian Lee Hutson Shares Video for New Single “Get The Old Band Back Together”
Photo by Gus Black
LA-based singer/songwriter Christian Lee Hutson has shared the third single from his forthcoming debut album Beginners, set for release on May 29 through ANTI-Records. The single, “Get The Old Band Back Together,” comes in tandem with a music video depicting children showcasing various talents on stage through a home movie lens. It also features cameos from Phoebe Bridgers, Conor Oberst and Sharon Silva. “Get The Old Band Back Together” is the last single ahead of the release of Beginners and follows the singles “Talk” and “Lose This Number.”
Hutson says of the song’s backstory:
A few years ago I ran into the drummer of a still-together band from my high school, who had just been kicked out. When he told the singer he’d been considering becoming a building inspector, the guy gave him an ultimatum: the band or inspecting buildings. He chose to inspect buildings, a decision that may have been impacted by the fact that the band never played a show or recorded a song. Still, he was pretty bummed about it, and that gave me the idea for this song. I had been wanting to make something with my director friend Michael Tyrone Delaney, who’d had this idea to splice up old talent show footage with footage of me and some friends showcasing some of our own ‘talents.’ My partner, Sharon Silva, showcases her Irish dancing. My childhood hero, Conor Oberst, takes an aggressive, impromptu harmonica solo in the video (and on the recording). My adulthood hero and best friend, Phoebe Bridgers, plays a master of puppets. We shot it in April so everyone had to self tape.
Beginners is Hutson’s debut, however he has contributed to various lauded music projects, penning a song on the boygenius EP as well as two songs for Better Oblivion Community Center’s self-titled album. Hutson has worked closely with Bridgers throughout his emerging career, with Bridgers producing and recording Beginners.
“I went with Beginners as the title because that’s where I feel like I am in my life—like I’m still just learning and trying to figure out how to navigate the world,” Hutson says.
Hutson is set to support The Magnetic Fields on tour, with dates rescheduled to January and February 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Watch the music video for “Get The Old Band Back Together” below, and watch Hutson perform at Paste’s NYC studio back in 2016. Scroll down for his live dates.
Christian Lee Hutson Tour Dates:
17 – Chicago, Ill. @ City Winery
18 – Chicago, Ill. @ City Winery
19 – Chicago, Ill. @ City Winery
20 – Chicago, Ill. @ City Winery
22 – Nashville, Tenn. @ City Winery
24 – Atlanta, Ga. @ City Winery
25 – Atlanta, Ga. @ City Winery
27 – Boston, Mass. @ City Winery
28 – Boston, Mass. @ City Winery
29 – Boston, Mass. @ City Winery
31 – New York, N.Y. @ City Winery
01- New York, N.Y. @ City Winery
02 – New York, N.Y. @ City Winery
03 – New York, N.Y. @ City Winery
05 – Philadelphia, Pa. @ City Winery
06 – Philadelphia, Pa. @ City Winery
07 – Philadelphia, Pa. @ City Winery
09 – Washington, D.C. @ City Winery
10 – Washington, D.C. @ City Winery
11 – Washington, D.C. @ City Winery