Watch Christine and the Queens Perform “I Disappear in Your Arms” on Fallon

Watch Christine and the Queens Perform “I Disappear in Your Arms” on Fallon

Last week, Christine and the Queens blessed Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show (more specifically the At Home edition). With her brand of haunted alt-pop, she gorgeously performed “I Disappear In Your Arms” from her 2020 EP La vita nuova.

She dedicated the performance to the Audre Lorde Project. On Instagram, she wrote:

Today, I wanted to use my platform to shed some light on the Audre Lorde Project. I got drawn to it in my researches because Audre Lorde’s words always have been important for me. Womanhood seemed less scary with her wisdom ; it felt complex and empowering and the hurt could make sense. And now, about the project. It was brought together in 1994 by Advocates for Gay Men of Color (a multi-racial network of gay men of color HIV policy advocates), and they now work for community wellness, progressive social and economic justice, through mobilization, education and capacity building. They’re focused on the New York City area. What’s interesting to me here is the notion of collective power (directly involving the communities served) and the understanding of the deep roots of sexism (which here is deflected by active anti-sexism practices, and a clear leadership of women). I donated yesterday, and if you are interested in doing so or getting involved, you can check their website out (link in stories) or check their instagram. Let’s use socials to share, nourish the discussion further, even about the doubts an ally can have (how can I make a difference? What is legitimate for me to do at this point? etc). Well, my performance tonight is dedicated to the @audrelordeproject , to the people working on the field, to the thinkers and dreamers that are dedicating their time and energy to create a world I want to live in. Lots of love to you all…

You can support and learn more about the Audre Lorde Project here.

Watch the beautiful performance below, and read our review of La vita nuova here.

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