Catching Up with Cody ChesnuTT

It’s been a while since we last heard from neo-soul artist Cody ChesnuTT. His latest LP, the Kickstarter-funded Landing on a Hundred is his first since 2002’s The Headphone Masterpiece.

“This body of work is extremely meaningful to me because it represents the journey I have been on since I last released an album,” Chesnutt said on his Kickstarter page. “To give you a little history about this record, it was recorded in Memphis, TN at Al Green’s old studio, Royal Studios. It was also recorded in Cologne, Germany at a studio by the name of SuPow which is owned and run by a great friend of mine, the co- producer of the album, Patrice Bart-Williams.”

At the time of this article’s publication, the album is about $7,500 away from being funded with 22 days left in the campaign. We already got a taste of the album with the horn-driven “That’s Still Mama,” which you can check out here. So for now, you can read our interview below where ChesnuTT talks us through funding his album on Kickstarter and recording it in Al Green’s old studio. Check out his Kickstarter campaign here, which include signed merchandise, digital PDF files of lyrics, t-shirts and lithographs of the album artwork.

Paste: Why did you choose to fund this album through Kickstarter?
ChesnuTT: It was the quickest and sincerest way to get the resources needed to deliver this project.

Paste: What’s it like to release your first full length in a decade?
ChesnuTT: It’s emancipating. I’ve been carrying these ideas around with me long enough. It’s time to set us both free.

Paste: What was the “journey” you mention on your Kickstarter page?
ChesnuTT: It’s simply the everyday situations that life presents and my response to them. I’ve taken the time to reflect on my life and the choices I’ve made. The 10 years since my debut release have afforded me the opportunity to develop in my understanding of faith, family, community and the power of art. My aim was to bring as much information from these experiences as I could to my lyric, melodies and music.

Paste: Was it special for you to record the album in Memphis, Tenn., and Cologne?
ChesnuTT: Yes! It was extremely special to record in the same legendary space as Al Green and other musical giants. What really made the sessions special, was the visitation to the Lorainne Motel where Dr. King was assinated the morning before we began. The hour we spent at this site seem to place everyone at their spiritual center. Giving the execution of these songs a deeper meaning. Cologne was amazing, because it was my first time recording in a foreign country. It was easy to settle in because the studio team were extremely competent in their field, and warm in their humanity.

Paste: Which of your Kickstarter prizes are you excited to get out there?
ChesnuTT: All of them actually. I appreciate everyone’s time and contribution.

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