Datashock Premieres Video For “Hullu Gullu, wir liefern Shizz,” New Album Out June 1
photo by Marion Bellaire
The membership of Datashock has been in a constant state of flux since the group’s inception in 2003. But that’s precisely how they seem to want it. All the better to breathe new life and energy into this collective that specializes in improvisational psych-rock jams. The group is set to release a new album this Friday—Kräuter Der Provinz (out via Bureau B Records)—that captures the current lineup, which includes a violinist, a clarinet player and a whole lot of fantastic ideas on how to make a beautiful racket.
To prepare us for this forthcoming album, Datashock is sharing with Paste readers the video for “Hullu Gullu, wir liefern Shizz.” The clip features visuals as freewheeling and playful as the music it accompanies. To say more would be to dull the fun of watching it for the first time.