Beyoncé Joins David Bowie in List of Celebrities Who Have Insulted Chris Martin’s Songwriting to His Face
This delightful bit of news comes from Rolling Stone’s cover feature on Coldplay’s Chris Martin:
Martin once presented a song to Beyoncé called “Hook Up” and played it in the studio for her and producer Stargate. She turned it down, he says, “in the sweetest possible way: She told me, ‘I really like you – but this is awful.’”
BURNT. Loyal readers will remember a story from a couple weeks ago about a very similar interaction going down between Martin and David Bowie:
Martin had a dream—literally a dream—that he’d sing with Kylie Minogue and Bowie on the song Lhuna, but when he sent Bowie the recording through Brian Eno, the legend responded with a simple text: “Not one of your best.”
Will “harsh Chris Martin rejections” become a new genre? Man, I hope so. They’re all so brutal, and while we would never pile on to the mega-celebrity, we do vow to dutifully report each and every new instance. And if you have any tips, or would just like to make up a story of your own, please be in touch.