David Bowie Releases Intensely Creepy “Lazarus” Video

David Bowie Releases Intensely Creepy “Lazarus” Video

As fans anxiously await for his 28th studio album, ? (Black Star), to be released tomorrow, David Bowie hopes to drive up that anxiety level with his new, eery video for second single “Lazarus.”

Directed by Johan Renck, who also directed the 10-minute short film for the album’s title track, the video features a hospitalized Bowie writhing in bed while donning a Coraline-inspired button-eye mask.

“One could only dream about collaborating with a mind like that; let alone twice,” Renck said. “Intuitive, playful, mysterious and profound… I have no desire to do any more videos knowing the process never ever gets as formidable and fulfilling as this was. I’ve basically touched the sun.”

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