David Byrne Pens Essay Explaining Trump’s Political Rise

In his newest newsletter, former Talking Head David Byrne expounds a theory of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s rise in popularity.

The essay, titled “The Echo Chamber,” explains, in Byrne’s view, how social media is responsible for creating an echo chamber that resounds with one’s own opinion. Byrne cites numerous articles in crafting his manifesto, but admits he’s fallen prey to the same trap he is railing against (“Like most people, I gravitate to others who probably share many of my viewpoints… but not always”).

Byrne suggest remedying the situation by adopting a broader viewpoint. “I’m going to suggest that cycling or walking around in different neighborhoods gives one a slightly more face-to-face view of the diversity of humanity, especially here in New York,” he writes.

If Trump does win (god help us) then we’ll know exactly who it was that was Burning Down the (White) House. But we hope Byrne doesn’t get arrested for arson because it seems a Kanye/Byrne 2020 ticket is bound to happen.

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