Watch Rihanna Perform “FourFiveSeconds” With Paul McCartney at Desert Trip

Watch Rihanna Perform “FourFiveSeconds” With Paul McCartney at Desert Trip

Paul McCartney didn’t switch up his set much for Desert Trip Pt. 2, but he did bring in a surprise guest star: Rihanna, who joined him for their 2015 joint hit “FourFiveSeconds.”

It was a feel-good, impressive performance that showcased Rihanna’s pipes (throwing Paul’s less dynamic vocals into stark contrast). He sang Kanye West’s part from the studio version, and though his voice is remarkable for a 74-year-old, Rihanna’s enthusiastic “Sing it, Paul!” after she’d hurled out mighty riffs comes off a bit comical.

“FourFiveSeconds” remains a strange collaboration. But it’s a fun oddity, and it allowed Rihanna to act as a refreshingly diverse presence in the Desert Trip lineup of exclusively white male senior citizens, 100 percent of whom are 70 or older. “We finally found someone under the age of 50!” the always-charming McCartney joked to the audience after she left the stage. Nice try, Paul.

Watch the performance above.

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