Get Your Freak on with DRAM’s “Best Hugs” Video
Images via Atlantic Records, Asato Iido
Last month, DRAM reminded us not to forget about him by announcing that he was here to steal everyone’s girl on a surprise EP, That’s A Girl’s Name. And we completely believe him, what with that infectious smile and ever-cheerful attitude. In his good-hearted nature, he’s released a video for “Best Hugs” that propositions the girl-stealing as a completely reciprocal situation.
Where another rapper might take this opportunity to showcase a few minimally clothed video vixens and insinuate that they’re better at picking up the ladies than you, DRAM takes the road less traveled. Picture this: old people getting their freak on at a swingers party. Not the silver fox, gracefully aged type of old either, but the hairy beer belly, rhinestone push-up bra type. DRAM sets forth a clear message: In this house, we don’t body shame!
The video was directed by Sam Hibbard and Theo Martins, who capture the increasingly kinky affair in the best, least creepy way possible—kudos to them. DRAM looks completely comfortable as a bystander during the whole affair, doling out only two semi-hugs, despite the song title. Watch a handlebar-mustachioed gentleman mouth, “She wants the D from me,” (something you probably never thought you’d need to see) in the video below.