Daily Dose: Eyesore & The Jinx, “Leisure Time”
Photo by Kirsten Roberts
Daily Dose is your daily source for the song you absolutely, positively need to hear every day. Curated by the Paste Music Team.
Eyesore & The Jinx are grotesque in the most charming of ways. In the Liverpool post-punk trio’s latest single, “Leisure Time,” the group barrage the senses with waves of dissonance and tongue-in-cheek lyrics that are as authentically British as punk music itself.
The group seem to cultivate their sound around a barebones approach—a simple guitar, bass and drums trio—but generate an impressive wall of sound with these few elements. “Leisure Time” revolves around the churning bass line that opens it, building from its machine-like constancy. The biting guitar travels across the rhythm with percussive attacks of discord.
With this mania already established, vocalist Josh Miller is given space for his sneering assaults on British life. In his heavily accented rantings, Miller riffs on the asinine nature of tourism culture, describing sunbathers as laying “on the beaches / like a plague of topless locusts.”
While the band avoids the political fire that drove its U.K. punk predecessors, Miller’s disdain for his countrymen abroad is plain:
From the perspective of an unhinged holiday maker, “Leisure Time” points a greasy, heavily lotioned finger at the care-free nature of the British expat. Whose enduring commitment to enjoying themselves, at the expense of other cultures, remains as visible and as grotesque as ever. It is, in short, a sun-stroked blather on the most miserable of holidays.
“Leisure Time” is Eyesore & The Jinx’s third single from this year, and the first from the group’s forthcoming debut EP. You can listen to it below and find the group’s English tour dates below.
Eyesore & The Jinx Tour Dates:
28 – Warrington, U.K. @ RivFest
04 – London, U.K. @ The Waiting Room
05 – Portsmouth, U.K. @ DIALS Festival
06 – Brighton, U.K. @ The Prince Albert
12 – Manchester, U.K. @ Neighbourhood Festival
12 – Liverpool, U.K. @ Smithdown Festival
23 – Manchester, U.K. @ The Eagle Inn (w/ Ice Baths)
26 – Liverpool, U.K. @ Drop the Dumbulls (OHMNS’ All-Dayer)
January 2020
12 – Bognor Regis, U.K. @ Rockaway Beach Festival