Gordi Releases New Single “Broke Scene” and a Gripping Music Video
Photo by Brianna da Silva
Gordi, the musical moniker of Sophie Payten, has released a new single “Broke Scene,” and announced national tour dates with longtime friend Bon Iver.
The Australian folktronica singer/songwriter first arrived on the music scene during university by playing independently across Sydney and eventually gained national attention through Unearthed Radio, a government-funded station focused on music discovery. Payten was nominated for the 2015 Next Big Thing SMAC (Sydney Music, Arts & Culture) Award from FBi Radio, and signed with Jagjaguwar in the United States and Liberation Music in Australia in 2016.
Gordi has since toured with Bon Iver, Of Monsters and Men, and The Tallest Man on Earth. Payten’s full-length LPs such as Reservoir and Our Two Skins are full of lush, sweeping sounds and relentless inner truths. Her haunting voice adds a wistfulness to the music, expanding her luscious soundscapes throughout her discography.
Gordi’s “Broke Scene,” lives up to that promise. Muffled guitar strums act as a percussive instrument, colliding with scratchy guitar strums from an electric guitar. You can hear the hammer of the piano hitting the deepened strings to create a muffling noise—vibrating against the dampening acoustics of the wooden box. The mixing and panning of Payten’s vocals make you feel as if she’s singing all around you, as the bass drives the song forward.
The song explores themes of internal conflict from a first-person perspective within a burning house with details like gasoline dripping from someone’s mouth. The effect is graceful, striking and bittersweet.
Check out the music video for the new single below.
Gordi Tour Dates:
02 – Brisbane, AUS @ Riverstage *
04 – Melbourne, AUS @ Sidney Myer Music Bowl *
05 – Melbourne, AUS @ Sidney Myer Music Bowl *
15 – Sydney, AUS @ World Pride (Phoenix Central Park)
- w/ Bon Iver