Harvey Danger – Little By Little

Harvey Danger – Little By Little

Seattle indie rockers bounce back from label woes to cut record that wows

You know how the story goes: Band gets radio hit. Band suddenly becomes huge. Band’s label merges with other labels. Band’s follow-up album gets little promotion. Band struggles. Band breaks up. Years later, band gets back together and records an album that’s more mature and diverse than its prior work (which wasn’t bad to begin with), and is appreciated by a smaller but incredibly rabid fan base. It’s practically a cliché these days. But Harvey Danger doesn’t care, because that’s exactly what it’s done with Little By Little. Listen to the gentle, melodious “Little Round Mirrors,” the ’60s-pop-flavored “Cream and Bastards Rise” and the stage-musical-worthy “Wine, Women and Song,” and you won’t give a thought to Harvey Danger’s buzz-bin past.

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