Iggy Pop Joined By Josh Homme for “Sunday” Performance on Kimmel

Post Pop Depression has garnered Iggy Pop some of his best reviews in decades. It’s his first album since 2001 that isn’t based on a gimmick: gone are the French covers, the New Orleans-inspired jazz, the guest-per-every-track hook. Iggy is back with a no-frills rock record and that’s where Pop shines brightest.
Everyone’s favorite street walking cheetah with a heart full of napalm has lost some potency over the years, but given his past antics and the shitty year 2016 has been for our elder statesmen of rock it’s an absolute treat to see Pop strut around Jimmy Kimmel’s stage as he did last night during his performance of “Sunday.” Pop’s band, which includes Queens of the Stone Age’s Josh Homme, wore red smokers jackets while Pop himself in a rare turn of events wore a dark blue blazer, but buttoned down just enough to show us he’s still punk rock.