Watch Julia Jacklin Relive Her High School Days in Video for “Leadlight”
Photo by Nick McKinlay
In her self-directed video for new single “Leadlight,” Australian singer Julia Jacklin revisits her old high school auditorium where she performed in Grease and sang “Wonderwall” on stage (the latter of which is much to her chagrin).
Jacklin’s debut album, Don’t Let the Kids Win, is in itself venturing back into that high school auditorium to find out who she was back then, while also coming to terms with who she is now and who she can be.
Who was Julia Jacklin then? Jacklin was a Britney Spears-loving 12-year-old. An Avril Lavigne-wannabe teenager. A factory production line worker.
Who is Julia Jacklin now? A full-time singer, excited to release her debut album on Oct. 7. A 25-year-old who enjoys watching her family members squirm when they hear the emotions she expresses in song.
Her voice, though almost ethereal, is particularly potent and captivating. In “Leadlight,” Jacklin’s voice falls like a waterfall over the cascade of guitar and steady drums. She intently examines her life as it has been and as it is now, and analyzes love, self-worth and dreams.
Jacklin goes on tour supporting Marlon Williams and Whitney this fall. Find her tour dates here.
Watch the video for “Leadlight” above. Don’t Let the Kids Win is out Oct. 7 via Polyvinyl—find the tracklist below, and preorder the record here.
Don’t Let the Kids Win Tracklist:
1. Pool Party
2. Leadlight
3. Coming of Age
4. Elizabeth
5. Motherland
6. Small Talk
7. L.A. Dream
8. Sweet Step
9. Same Airport
10. Hay Plain
11. Don’t Let the Kids Win