Kanye West Wants To Design Furniture for Ikea

Kanye West is now a triple threat — musician, fashion designer and, possibly, furniture designer.

In an interview with BBC Radio 1, West expressed interest in working with every millennial’s favorite furniture store, IKEA. “I have to work with Ikea — make furniture for interior design, for architecture,” he explained on the show. His goal is to create “a minimalist apartment inside of a college dorm.”

Earlier this year, West was seen visiting Ikea headquarters in Almhult, Sweden. He has also worked with British fashion designer Katie Eary, who created a series of textiles and tableware for Ikea. Ikea has not commented on a possible collaboration with West.

During the interview, he also spoke about wanting to run for president in 2020. “When I talk about the idea of being president, I’m not saying I have any political views. I just have a view on humanity, on people, on the truth. … If there is anything that I can do with my time and my day, to somehow make a difference while I’m alive I’m going to try to do it.”

To quote West during his interview, “Yo Ikea, allow Kanye to create, allow him to make this thing because you know what, I want a bed that he makes, I want a chair that he makes.”

The full interview will be broadcast at 2 p.m. EST today on BBC.

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