Kanye West Vanishes From Social Media
Photo by Jamie McCarthy/Getty
Kanye West vanished from social media today, as both his Twitter and Instagram accounts appear to be no more.
Searching for “@kanyewest” on either of the social platforms yields no results, and no explanation has been provided for the rapper’s digital disappearance. West’s representatives did not immediately reply to Paste’s request for comment.
This isn’t exactly a first for West, whose Twitter account went missing last August, though that was apparently a mistake on Twitter’s part. A month after that, West joined Instagram.
The star has been having quite a crazy year after his wife, Kim Kardashian, was robbed at gunpoint in Paris in October. Since then he’s canceled his last tour, was hospitalized and supported, then un-supported Donald Trump. On a lighter note, his last album, Life of Pablo, recently made history by going platinum solely via streaming. Yeezy fan and friend Aziz Ansari also recently ranked the rapper’s albums for Vogue, which you can check out here.
Be sure to stay tuned to Paste for any updates on Kanye’s social media status.