Watch Kim Gordon Bake for Bernie in Super Tuesday PSA

Watch Kim Gordon Bake for Bernie in Super Tuesday PSA

Kim Gordon has made her support of Bernie loud and clear—especially in light of Super Tuesday, the musician’s Twitter feed is brimming with pro-Bernie statements and sentiments.

And Gordon is far from the only musician to feel the Bern, as they say. Bernie’s rallies have featured great band after great band, including Vampire Weekend, Soccer Mommy, Joyce Manor, Public Enemy and countless others (please, do yourself a favor and check out Paste’s Bernie Sanders Thanking Bands for Their Music, Ranked).

While Kim Gordon hasn’t played a Bernie rally (yet?), her ardent support of Sanders’ presidential campaign has been known for a while. Last month, Gordon went knocking on doors for Bernie in Los Angeles, which votes in today’s (March 3) primary. Now, Gordon shares a simple PSA video encouraging her fellow Californians to get out the vote for Bernie today.

The video, directed by Mariko Munro and written by Elaine Kahn, is a mock-cooking show featuring Gordon in a kitchen, adding notes with phrases like “Medicare For All,” “Green New Deal” and “cancelling student debt” into a mixing bowl, which inexplicably turns into a multi-colored goop. After putting it in the oven and listing the states voting in today’s primary, the oven dings, and out comes a perfectly frosted cake with Bernie’s logo on it.

Watch the PSA below and further down, listen to Sonic Youth performing “Dirty Boots” in 1991 from the Paste archives.

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