LCD Soundsystem – 45:33

International mega-corporation becomes unlikely arts patron
With his new length-titled single-track album, 45:33, electro punk James Murphy (aka LCD Soundsystem) may unwittingly change the hipster image forever: from skinny, pale, obnoxiously smirking Brooklynite to muscular, tanned, obnoxiously smirking Brooklynite. Commissioned by Nike (you know, they make shoes and stuff) and released exclusively through iTunes, one might expect “Just Do It” commercialism. But 45:33 is as much gallery-crawl as beach-run; purpose-built in gliding tempos and warm-down synth shimmers for iPod-strapped runners, yet appropriate for a cruise through the Whitney, too. If more corporations drop bills on artists like Murphy, this capitalism thing might actually pan out.