
Levek: Look A Little Closer

Levek: Look A Little Closer

If you look up “easy listening” a picture of Levek’s debut album, Look A Little Closer will be next to it. David Levesque and company have created a sound that can relax even the most stressed-out person.

The opening track “Black Mold” transports listeners into a world that seemed to be left in the ‘70s. Levesque’s soft and subtle vocals are backed by his psychedelic-rock sound; if a lava lamp could like a song, it would be this. As “Black Mold” slowly fades out, it is perfectly segued into the most notable track on the album, “Canterbury Bell.”
Songs like “Canterbury Bell” are where Levek truly thrives. It sounds like a Simon and Garfunkel song that has been hidden from the public until now. Levesque’s vocals are highlighted with a simple acoustic guitar. “Girl in the Fog” is another beautifully simple song. Its melancholic sound makes a great soundtrack for a cold foggy day in the winter.

Sadly, not all the songs on Look A Little Closer are like “Canterbury Bell” or “Girl in the Fog.” Some songs feel forced, as if Levesque is trying too hard to be different and experimental. Levek aspires to listeners on a journey around the world, but at times it seems as if the record is lost in some nondescript Scandinavian country. “Terra Treasures” is forgettable, while “Can’t Buy This Love” sounds as if every jazz/lounge sounding instrument available was thrown in for good measure.

The project is strong when it embraces the more straightforward approach and veers away from being experimental for experimentation’s sake. Overall, as far as debut albums go, Look A Little Closer is a great display of how much potential Levek has.

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