Which Maroon 5 Song Would You Quote if You Were a Trump Aide Writing a Letter to the DOJ?

Carter Page is not just a name that can be said in any order and still make sense. It’s also the name of a former foreign-policy advisor to Donald Trump who has come under suspicion for his close ties with Russia and, not incidentally, apparently is a big Maroon 5 fan.
Page, along with former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, is at the center of the FBI’s investigation into Russia’s effort to disrupt the 2016 presidential election. On Sunday, reports CNN, he sent a letter to the Department of Justice asking officials there to release documents that he claims will show that the Obama administration was illegally surveilling him during election season. The 10-page letter was part of Page’s ongoing effort to prove to federal law-enforcement agencies that he was not colluding with the Russians on behalf of Trump during the campaign. But his words were not enough.
To really get his point across, he turned to the social poetry of Adam Levine and Maroon 5.
“A song from popular culture accurately describes many of the matters usurping a vast proportion of your time and America’s attention given the primary focus of the mainstream media today,” he wrote in a portion of the letter, obtained by CNN, before dropping a line from Maroon 5’s 2002 funk track “Harder to Breathe”: “Like a little girl who cries in the face of a monster that lives in her dreams.”
It’s the next line of the song, though, that more or less sums up the purpose of Page’s letter: “Is there anyone out there, ‘cause it’s getting harder and harder to breathe.”
Not leaving anything to chance with the bros over at the Justice Department, Page apparently also attached a helpful footnote to the letter that linked to the song’s video. In the interests of national security, we will do the same: