Daytrotter Session - Nov 15, 2012

Metz – Daytrotter Session – Nov 15, 2012
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  1. Welcome to Daytrotter
  2. Dirty Shirt
  3. Wasted
  4. Headache

What does a man do when he’s got no clean clothing – the laundry piling up in the corner of the bedroom – and all he wants to do is chainsaw a running motorcycle in half? It’s not a rhetorical question. There is an answer that can be arrived at without a whole helluva lot of consideration. That man – if he just can’t find anything clean to wear or a chainsaw or a running motorcycle – probably just goes out and gets fucking hammered drunk and listens to Metz’ self-titled new record.It will quench that feeling as much as anything can. That man might even want to douse himself in gasoline, just for a little excitement, just in case someone decided to strike a match and let some craziness ensue. There’s really no telling what all it might take for a man who has such inclinations to feel as if they’ve got what they needed out of the night. It might take going down in a blaze of flames to feel like it was memorable enough to be mentioned in the holiday card form letter.Lead singer Alex Edkins, drummer Hayden Menzies and bassist Chris Slorach make up this power trio from Toronto and they skim all the creamy debauchery off the top of the churn, guzzling it themselves, flailing and working themselves into a steamy lather while doing so. These songs pound with ripping abandon and they run around like maniacs breaking every glass and bottle they can find until everyone’s messed up.

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