Exclusive: Hear the First Single By mmeadows, The New Band From Dirty Projectors’ Kristin Slipp

Exclusive: Hear the First Single By mmeadows, The New Band From Dirty Projectors’ Kristin Slipp

What do you get when you pair a Beyoncé collaborator with an indie-rock veteran and ask them to make a pop song?

We can’t speak to every case, but here you get “I’ll Never Let You Go,” the bouncy debut single from mmeadows. The new duo is the project of Dirty Projectors member Kristin Slipp and Cole Kamen-Green, who are longtime collaborators. Slipp currently plays keyboard and sings in the Brooklyn-based Dirty Projectors, who released their most recent LP Lamp Lit Prose on Domino last year, and the NYC-based Kamen-Green has worked directly with none other than Beyoncé on two albums: Beyoncé and Four. They bring two very different backgrounds to the table, and the sonic result is singular.

“I’ll Never Let You Go” is a real peach of an indie-pop song. Dirty Projectors fans will feel right at home inside the song’s web of drum loops and glitchy effects, but Slipp is doing something different from her other band here. While just as soulful, this song is more warped. Slipp’s smooth soprano approaches R&B territory as the song morphs into a groovy electro number.

The single arrives with an orange-tinted video that sees Slipp and Kamen-Green rocking out on their respective instruments inside what looks like human-sized Cat’s Cradle strings, which feels quite appropriate when Slipp sings the line “When we were together, you and me / You said the ties that bind are blinding / Don’t you see?”

Listen to “I’ll Never Let You Go” below, then keep scrolling to hear Dirty Projectors’ 2007 Daytrotter Session. If you live in New York City, you can see mmeadows at Elsewhere (Zone 1) on Aug. 28.

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